Ja'Ron Jenkins
Ja'Ron runs the bar and kitchen. He
Ja'Ron's History
Ja'Ron is so Bay. He rocks with every sports team in the Bay no matter how bad they’re playing, but you’ll def hear about it. He’s born, raised, and still lives in the Filmore, the last vestige of Black culture in San Francisco. He needs this job to support his lifestyle and get in with the wealthy.
He’s an aspiring comedic actor but doesn’t speak much about it. The bar is his spot. He controls the environment and keeps everyone in high spirits despite his personal life. His older brother passed away a year ago and the mother of his nephew won't allow them to see each other. He's not sure why but spends a lot of time racking his brain about it.
He and Savana are in a situationship that nobody understands and nobody wants to acknowledge, especially Shawn.
If you're interested in seeing how Shawn's story comes to life in the pilot script, send an email.